AAOM 2018 Fall CE Course When: November 10, 2018, at Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston Oral Oncology Fundamentals: Oral Health and the Oncology PatientTarget audience: Dentists, Dental Hygienists, Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Residents, Fellows, Students Patients undergoing treatment for cancer are at risk for developing a wide spectrum of oral complications and adverse events. This course provides a practical, real-world approach to the assessment, diagnosis, and management of the most frequently encountered and clinically relevant oral complications in cancer patients. Learning Objectives1) Recognize the importance of oral health and understand the principles of good oral health in the oncology patient 2) Be able to assess risk and evaluate the oral cavity, including the dentition and soft tissues 3) Understand the guiding principles of oral health management in the oncology patient Download the meeting flyer! Dr. Alessandro Villa, DDS, PhD, MPH |