
Ascending Order of Awards 
The relative ascending order of the awards is as follows: 

  • Certificate of Appreciation
  • Certificate of Merit
  • Honorary Membership
  • Honorary Fellowship
  • Herschfus Memorial Award 
  • Samuel Charles Miller Award 
  • Craig S. Miller Diamond Pin Award

Honorary Fellowship
Criteria and Requirements for Honorary Fellowship

  1. Nominations for Honorary Fellowship in the Academy must be made to the Honorary Fellowship and Awards Committee by two (2) members, a Proposer and Seconder, or by the Committee itself.
  2. Each nomination will be reviewed by the Committee after all data relating to the nominee is received.
  3. Consideration of all applications will be made on the basis of outstanding accomplishments in each of the following areas:
    1. Service in at least three of the following: teaching, lectures, clinics, research, publications, community health activities, practice, hospital affiliations, or knowledge based on certification.
    2. Service to the Academy, such as National Officer, member of Board of Trustees, Committee Chair, or other outstanding services at the national level.
    3. Membership in the Academy for at least eight (8) years.
  4. No more than two (2) Honorary Fellowships each year shall be proposed. Election by the General Assembly to Honorary Fellowship must follow nomination by the Fellowship and Awards Committee and approval by the Board of Trustees.

Honorary Membership Certificates
Shall be presented to the person so elected at the meeting at which he/she makes his/her presentation.

Herschfus Memorial Award
Upon unanimous approval of the Honorary Fellowship and Awards Committee and approval by the Board of Trustees and General Assembly, this award may be presented for services to the Academy and services in the field of Oral Medicine to members of this Academy who are not eligible for the Samuel Charles Miller Award. The recipient must be present to receive the award.

The Samuel Charles Miller Medal Award
The Fellowship and Awards Committee shall prepare a medal to be awarded at the annual meeting. The recipient shall be nominated by the committee for outstanding contributions in the field of Oral Medicine, approved by the Board of Trustees and General Assembly, and shall be required to present a paper in the field of Oral Medicine representative of his/her work at the time of the award. The purpose of the award shall be to honor Samuel Charles Miller, the founder of this Academy.

Craig S. Miller Diamond Pin Award
Upon unanimous approval of the Fellowship and Awards Committee and approval of the Board of Trustees and General Assembly, this award may be presented for unusual, exceptional, and dedicated service to the Academy. The recipient must be present to receive this award which is the highest award offered by the Academy.