Message from Dr. Wendy Hupp, AAOM President
Our Executive Committee and Board of Trustees have been active in many areas over the summer. We have signed a new contract with our Management Company, SBI, and I look forward to a very fruitful relationship. We are still learning what a full-service group like SBI can offer us, but their expertise and experience with groups like ours is already clear. Thanks to Michele Reeder for her guidance and support. The Affiliate Fellowship group is moving forward. Do you have a non-dentist colleague who has been helpful in your oral medicine practice? We will soon have a way to recognize their skills as we develop the academic side. We are focusing on dental hygienists, nurses, and nurse practitioners for now. Please invite these folks to our next annual meeting in Orlando in April, 2017. Our financial side is sound, and we are looking good in our membership sustainability (above 90% of our regular members have renewed). We always welcome new members and hope you will tell others to come see how great this organization is! As you all probably know, we are now part of the American Board of Dental Specialties (ABDS) and have started to see how this organization will increase the visibility of Oral Medicine. Our patients will be the ones who benefit the most with this recognition. Personally, I have been invited to the ADEA Dean’s meeting in November, and will be sharing with these folks how important Oral Medicine is to be in each dental school curriculum. Most already realize what we can do, but this honor is not lost on me with our new ABDS participation. Also, the Fall Meeting of the Executive Committee will be in tandem with a continuing education course entitled “Oral Medicine and the Cancer Patient.” I am happy to be hosting this meeting in Louisville on Friday, November 4, and you can receive six hours of CE by registering online. I look forward to seeing you in November in Louisville, and in April in Orlando! The Academy is sad to report the passing of one of our longtime members, Dr. Sigurds O. Krolls on October 26, 2016. Dr. Wendy Hupp |